Sunday, September 6, 2009

Prospect - What they want to know

This is the most common issue for Network Marketers how to prospect effectively. Most marketers have tried the methods that they have been taught by their company and the hype is not pulling the prospects to them.

Marketers are posting their advertising everywhere, but still no leads to talk to. They purchase leads that are old and outdated and start calling them without much success.

Here is the solution in one sentence that sums it up in a nutshell.

Prospect want to know the truth, in order to provide them that truth we have to know it ourselves.

Here are three things that I was taught by my mentor, that has proven to work successfully.

l. Avoid the Mainstream Marketing traps that lure them into something that they are not prepared for or qualified to do.

2. Avoid the hype, that promises false expectations.

3. Take a true leadership position. Be a representative of a solution and that you have their best interest in mind. Without the hype or being over zealous.

The truth is being about others- the core of Network Marketing industry is building relationships- that will bring a win win for the both of you. It will build lasting relationships and a solid business base. You will avoid people coming into your business and dropping out just as fast as they come in.

Network Marketing is about relationships, integrity, honesty, being humble and thankful for the being part of their lives, having the privilege of being associated with like-minded individuals.

You are the most important factor in your business. When you put the other person first, you will be appreciated, respected and create satisfying relationships. You will be part of the movement to tear down the stigma, as my mentors said the black eye in this industry that will exemplify true leadership characteristic in your own business and others will join you because of that.

If you are having challenges in your network marketing business. I have the resources that will help you finally succeed. Solid training by the leaders in this field that will give you personal one on one training that you have never experience in this industry. Training Leaders since 1994.

Stay Positive - Stay Focus

Gwendolyn Davis
Network Marketing Consultant

PS: The Truth About Network Marketing Free Audio

What you won't get is hype and back end promotions of business opportunity

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